
F. Scott Key Star Spangled Motto Our Cause it is Just War of 1812

On this day in 1920, This Side of Paradise by famous St. Paul, Minnesota native F. Scott Fitzgerald, is published. It was the first novel by the author of the more well-known title The Great Gatsby.

In fact, Fitzgerald was named after his second cousin, three times removed on his father’s side. That F. Scott is also famous for something he wrote.

That side of paradise…

Of course, that first F. Scott was none other than Francis Scott Key, who penned The Star-Spangled Banner, of which the first verse is our national anthem.

Fitzgerald’s final resting place is in Maryland, about thirty miles from Key, and about forty miles from Fort McHenry, where Key saw our flag “by the dawn’s early light.”

Finally, see our Men’s and Women’s Star-Spangled Motto “In God is Our Trust” shirts, inspired by the first F. Scott, are here in Our Shop.

FS Key Star Spangled Motto Our Cause it is Just War of 1812