Ohio Seal and Motto With God All Things Are Possible

On this day in 1803, on a technicality, Ohio becomes the 17th state in the union. This date marked the first meeting of the state’s General Assembly that year. In actuality, Ohio became a state a back on February 19.  That was the day President Thomas Jefferson endorsed the United States Congress’s decision granting statehood.

First, here is the Preamble of the Ohio Constitution:
“We, the people of the State of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare, do establish this Constitution.”

Next, the state motto is “With God All Things Are Possible.”
Thus, Ohio is one of five states with mottoes directly referencing God; Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, and South Dakota are the others.

Rising, not setting

Lastly, as seen in the image below, the state seal depicts “a rising sun three-quarters exposed and radiating thirteen rays to represent the thirteen original colonies shining over the first state in the northwest territory.”

So, proper acknowledgement of the state’s powerful motto will help ensure that the sun is indeed rising, and not setting on the idea of America and the Judeo-Christian ethics of our lost founding. That’s plenty reason to be optimistic.


Ohio Seal and Motto With God All Things Are Possible

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