Nathanael Greene

On this day in 1776, General George Washington gives friend and comrade-in-arms Brigadier General Nathanael Greene command of Long Island. General Greene is to set up defensive positions against a British attack on New York City.

Greene arranged his troops to defend against a frontal attack. However, in late August the British surprised them with an attack from their left flank. Thus, the British took most of Long Island, but allowed American survivors to flee to Manhattan. Had they not, the American Revolution may well have been over.

God’s Hand

Washington and Greene shared a belief in a great God who governs our world, as evidenced by their quotes below:

Permit me, then, to recommend from the sincerity of my heart, ready at all times to bleed in my country’s cause, a Declaration of Independence; and call upon the world, and the great God who governs it, to witness the necessity, propriety and rectitude thereof. … Let us, therefore, act like men inspired with a resolution that nothing but the frowns of Heaven shall conquer us.”
excerpt of a letter from Nathanael Greene to Samuel Ward of the Continental Congress, January 4, 1776

Washington’s quote of similar sentiment inspired one of Our t-shirts:

“No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the People of the United States.”

Find yours HERE.

Nathanael Greene

Samuel Adams Paul Revere artwork

On this day in 1775, the famous ride of American patriots Paul Revere and William Dawes helps Samuel Adams and John Hancock evade capture by British troops.

British troops marched out of Boston on a mission to confiscate American weapons and gunpowder at Concord. They are also determined to capture Patriot leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock at Lexington.

So, Paul Revere and William Dawes set out on horseback from Boston to warn Adams and Hancock. They also alerted the Minutemen, who had armed themselves and were prepared for the British.

The American Revolution begins early in the morning of the following day, with the “shot heard around the world.”

As Illustrated By…

Below is a side-by-side of the engraved bust portrait of Samuel Adams by Paul Revere and the Our Lost Founding shirt inspired by it. Thankfully, they sold well leading up to the November 2016 election, and beyond. These Founding Fathers continue to remind us all that when we vote we are “accountable to God and… Country.”

Find yours in the shop, HERE.

Samuel Adams Paul Revere artwork


Alexander Hamilton Aaron Burr duel

“Hamilton” is back in the news regarding decorum for political rivalry. So, that presents an opportunity. In fact, a “double opportunity” to share Our two posts regarding Alexander Hamilton’s duel with his political rival Aaron Burr.

First, here a few portions of Alexander Hamilton’s Statement on Impending Duel with Aaron Burr from 1804:

“I am conscious of no ill-will to Col Burr, distinct from political opposition, which, as I trust, has proceeded from pure and upright motives.
Lastly, I shall hazard much, and can possibly gain nothing by the issue of the interview.

[H]owever convinced myself that my opinions and declarations have been well founded… I have resolved, if our interview is conducted in the usual manner, and it pleases God to give me the opportunity, to reserve and throw away my first fire, and I have thoughts even of reserving my second fire—and thus giving a double opportunity to Col Burr to pause and to reflect.”

Now, Our previous posts on Alexander Hamilton :

Alexander Hamilton Aaron Burr duel

On this day, April 16, 1789, newly elected President George Washington leaves Mount Vernon for New York to be sworn in as the first American president on April 30.

He wrote in his diary:
“I bade adieu to Mount Vernon, to private life, and to domestic felicity; and with a mind oppressed with more anxious and painful sensations than I have words to express.”

So, when I have a setback, like I did today, which will likely delay the release of Our George Washington inauguration-inspired t-shirt, meaning it will no longer coincide with his inauguration date, my disappointment is quickly put in perspective by a statement like that, written in the context of leading a new nation.

That is yet another example of why it is so worthwhile to rediscover Our Lost Founding.

Mount Vernon